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APPRO HYDRAULIC OILS are developed to provide excellent pump life and trouble free service in all hydraulic systems.  They offer protection against wear, oxidation, foam and rust. The proper combination of high quality base stocks and additives provides stability against oxidation and protection against corrossion or rusting.  They carry metal wetting properties and maintain a protective film over the surface

APPRO A/W HYDRAULIC OILS are developed to provide excellent pump life and trouble free service in all hydraulic systems.  They offer protection against wear, oxidation, foam and rust. The proper combination of high quality base stocks and additives provides stability against oxidation and protection against corrossion or rusting.  They carry metal wetting properties and maintain a protective film over the surface

Recommended for use in industrial gears plain and antifriction bearings subjected to shock and heavy loads where the operating temperature does not exceed 90 Degree Celcius.

Engine oils are general machine oils made out of high viscosity, high flash point oils fortified with anti – oxidant, anti – rust inhibitors.  The oils protect components, equipments, against wear and tear during operation and storage, transporation etc

These are lithium based soap multipurpose greases. Having high drop point, good thermal and structural stability. It has high degree of resistance to Oxidation, Rusting, Corrosion and is Water Resistant. Meets IS 12203 99 (REAFFIRMED 2009) SPECIFICATION