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Appro Freeze Oils

APPRO FREEZE OIL possesses high fludity at very low temperature, resist deposit formation and have reduced tendency to foam. These oils have long service life due to good oxidation and thermal stability and ensure high condensor efficiency and reduced compressor valve maintainance due to less deposit.
APPRO FREEZE OILS are recommended for a wide range of refrigeration compressors using all conventional regfrigerants except sulphur-di-oxide and are suitable for both reciprocating as well as rotary compressors. These oils can be used in properly designed and well maintained regrigertion system operating above the pour point of the oil.
Package Options:
5 Ltr | 10 Ltr | 20 Ltr | 35 Ltr | 50 Ltr | 205 Ltr
Description | Freeze 32 | Freeze 57 |
PROPERTIES | 32 | 57 |
COC FLASH POINT IN DEG C | 154 | 164 |
TAN mg KOH/g Max | 0.05 | 0.05 |
KINEMATIC VISCOSITY @ 40 DEG C | 33 - 35 | 54-60 |
POUR POINT DEG C, Max | -30 | -24 |
COLOUR ASTM (MAX). | 2.5 | 3.0 |